From Lodestones to Levitation: A History of Magnets
Early Encounters with a Mysterious Force
Our story of magnetism begins not in a laboratory, but amongst rocks found in the natural world. The earliest documented interactions with magnets come from around 600 BC, with two ancient civilizations independently mentioning this weird phenomenon.
The Greeks and Thales of Miletus: According to legend, a Greek philosopher named Thales of Miletus noticed that a particular type of rock, later called magnetite, attracted pieces of iron. This marked the beginning of human recognition of the magnetic force. The word "magnet" comes from Magnesia, the region in Greece where this type of stone was found.
The Compass: Unveiling the Secrets of the Seas
Sometime in the 11th century, it was discovered that a piece of iron rubbed against a lodestone would get magnetised. This led to the development of the magnetic compass, which, in turn, opened up the oceans to human exploration.
These early compasses were likely simple affairs, with a magnetized needle placed on a piece of wood or cork that floated in water. The needle would align itself north-south, and the user could read the direction from markings on the floating platform.

Over time, compass designs improved. In the 18th century, advancements were made in balancing the compass needle and compensating for magnetic declination, leading to more accurate readings.
The development of the magnetic compass caused a sea change (what else? 😊) in navigation. It allowed sailors to venture further out of sight of land, leading to the Age of Exploration and groundbreaking discoveries, including a complete New World!
Even today, despite the emergence of modern electronic navigation systems, the magnetic compass remains a valuable tool. Its simplicity, reliability, and low cost makes it a dependable backup for navigation, particularly in situations where electronic devices might fail.
Taming the Beast: The Dawn of Artificial Magnets

For centuries, people used naturally magnetic rocks called lodestones. These weren't truly man-made, but they were harnessed for their magnetic properties.
The credit for the first documented artificial magnets goes to Englishman Servington Savery around 1730. His innovation involved combining multiple pieces of magnetic steel, creating a "compound magnet" with stronger and more permanent magnetism.
Gowin Knight produced the first artificial magnets for sale around 1740. These magnets could have been targeted towards scientific investigators or terrestrial navigators who needed compasses.
A Spark of Discovery: Demystifying the Secrets of Magnetism
William Gilbert: Pioneering the Science of Magnetism
William Gilbert, a 17th-century English scientist, is widely regarded as a pioneer in the study of magnetism and electricity. A key invention of his was the Terrella, a magnetized sphere that acted as a miniature Earth. By observing compass needles interact with the terrella, Gilbert concluded that the Earth itself behaved like a giant magnet, explaining why compass needles consistently pointed north-south, a phenomenon that had puzzled philosophers for centuries.
Building on his observations of the terrella, Gilbert introduced the concept of magnetic poles. These are the regions on Earth where the magnetic force is strongest, analogous to the poles on a bar magnet. He identified the Earth's north and south poles as corresponding to these magnetic poles.
His influential book, "De Magnete," published in 1600, revolutionized our understanding of magnetism. He also recognized electricity as distinct from magnetism, noting it couldn't be continuously produced from the same material.
The book inspired other scientists like Galileo Galilei and Johannes Kepler. It laid the foundation for further exploration of electromagnetism and helped pave the way for future advancements in science.
The Influence of Electricity

The story of magnets is intricately entwined with that of electricity. Discoveries in electricity during the 18th century laid the foundation for later breakthroughs. Scientists like Benjamin Franklin, famous for flying a kite in a thunderstorm, began to unravel the nature of electrical charges. In 1820, Hans Christian Ørsted, a Danish physicist, made a monumental discovery. He observed that an electric current flowing through a wire could deflect a compass needle, proving a clear link between electricity and magnetism. This sparked a new field of study: electromagnetism. Building on Ørsted's work, André-Marie Ampère subsequently developed a theory of electromagnetism. He discovered how the strength and direction of a magnetic field depended on the current flowing through a conductor.
In 1831, Michael Faraday, a prolific English scientist, made several significant contributions. He discovered electromagnetic induction, where a changing magnetic field can induce an electric current in a conductor. This principle is the foundation for transformers and electric generators.
In 1865, James Clerk Maxwell, working closely with Faraday, published the set of four elegant equations that unified the concepts of electricity and magnetism, showing that they were different manifestations of the same underlying force, the electromagnetic force.
In 1905, Albert Einstein, with his Special Theory of Relativity, further solidified its principles and revealed the deeper connection between electricity and magnetism.
Magnetic Marvels: How Magnets Make Our World Work
The Rise of Electromagnets
With the understanding of electromagnetism, scientists could create much stronger magnets than those found in nature.
In 1824, William Sturgeon, a British scientist, built the first electromagnet by wrapping a wire around a horseshoe-shaped iron core and passing a current through it. This invention paved the way for more powerful and controllable magnetic applications.
Five years later an American inventor named Joseph Henry (1797 to 1878) made a far more powerful version of the electromagnet. Henry demonstrated the potential of Sturgeon's device for long distance communication by sending an electronic current over one mile of wire to activate an electromagnet which caused a bell to strike. Thus the electric telegraph was born, which made (almost) instantaneous communications over vast distances possible. Henry's name has since been immortalised in science as the unit of electrical inductance, as has Faraday's name for capacitance.
What about Permanent Magnets?
Starting from the late 19th century through the 20th, the quest began for stronger, more reliable permanent magnets. No longer were scientists content with the limited options available, and the answer arrived in stages.
First came the workhorses of the early 20th century - tungsten steel magnets. These offered a good balance of hardness and resistance to demagnetization, making them valuable tools for the time. But the scientific mind craved more.
the 1930s, two scientists at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, unintentionally stumbled upon a new magnetic material. They were researching "soft" ferrites, which is a type of material prized for its ability to be easily magnetized and demagnetized, making them ideal for applications like transformers and inductors. However, they made a small mistake in the composition, which resulted in the creation of the first Ferrite permanent magnets. Even today, while other types of magnet materials like rare-earth magnets offer stronger magnetic fields, ferrites remain popular due to their cost-effectiveness and other desirable characteristics like low cost, good corrosion resistance and reasonable temperature tolerance.
Then came the revolutionary Alnico magnets. Made from a clever combination of aluminum, nickel, and cobalt, these magnets boasted a significant jump in strength compared to their predecessors. Their unique crystal structure allowed for a better alignment of magnetic domains within the material, essentially packing more punch into a single magnet. Being both powerful and affordable, this advancement propelled permanent magnets into widespread use, powering motors, loudspeakers, and even finding a place in musical instruments like electric guitars.
The 1960s saw the arrival of the first rare-earth magnets, with Samarium-Cobalt (SmCo) leading the charge. These magnets were not only substantially stronger, but also held their own against heat, making them ideal for high-performance motors and hot environments.
Finally, the 1980s witnessed the crowning achievement - Neodymium (NdFeB) magnets. Currently the strongest permanent magnets available, these tiny powerhouses are a marvel of material science. A combination of neodymium, iron, and boron, they offer exceptional strength in a compact size. This breakthrough revolutionized countless industries, allowing for the miniaturization of motors and electronic devices without sacrificing power.
The journey continues in the 21st century. Scientists are relentlessly pushing boundaries, exploring new materials and manufacturing techniques. Their focus? Even stronger, more efficient, and cost-effective magnets. One promising avenue is nanostructured magnets, whose magnetic properties are tailored at the atomic level. These magnets hold the potential to usher in a new era of applications in electric vehicles, wind turbines, data storage, and beyond. The future of magnetism is bright, fueled by a relentless pursuit of a powerful and ever-evolving force.
From the ubiquitous refrigerator magnets to the behemoths in particle accelerators exploring the cutting edge of science, magnetism permeates our lives. Superconducting electromagnets guide subatomic particles at unimaginable speeds, while miniaturized magnets orchestrate the intricate dances within our electronic devices. This unseen force continues to be a vital current running through the very fabric of our technological world.
Powering the Future: Sowing the Seeds of Tomorrow's Tech
The story of magnets isn't over yet. Imagine a world where clean energy flows freely. Powerful magnetic fields hold the key to achieving fusion power, a clean and sustainable energy source. Magnets could also revolutionize refrigerators (and not as fridge magnets!), using their properties to create a cooling effect without harming the environment. Storing all this clean energy wouldn't be a problem either. Scientists are developing magnetic materials that could store vast amounts of energy, making renewable sources like solar and wind power even more reliable.
Transportation is about to get a magnetic makeover too. Maglev trains, which use magnets to glide effortlessly, could become commonplace. Even electric vehicles could get a boost from advancements in magnets, making them travel farther and perform even better.
In the world of medicine, tiny magnetic nanoparticles could become doctors' new allies, delivering medicine directly to diseased areas. Improved MRI machines, powered by cutting-edge magnetic materials, could provide doctors with a clearer picture of what's happening inside our bodies.So next time you see a magnet, remember, it's not just holding up a grocery list. It's a tiny seed holding the promise of a future filled with incredible advancements, all thanks to the invisible force of magnetism!